411 ChatGPT Prompts for Software Development

Carefully crafted 411 ChatGPT prompts to power up your Software Development tasks. Works perfectly with ChatGPT Free, ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT Team accounts.

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Works perfectly with both ChatGPT free and paid accounts.

Total 23 sub-categories and 411 ChatGPT prompt templates

AI/ML Engineering

20 prompt templates

Android Development

20 prompt templates

App Design

16 prompt templates

Backend Development

18 prompt templates

Blockchain Development

20 prompt templates


17 prompt templates

Database Administration

18 prompt templates

DevOps Engineering

13 prompt templates

HTML and CSS Development

14 prompt templates

Information Technology

20 prompt templates

iOS Development

18 prompt templates

IT Project Management

17 prompt templates

Java Development

19 prompt templates

JavaScript Development

20 prompt templates

Landing Page Design

17 prompt templates

Network Analysis

20 prompt templates

PHP Development

19 prompt templates

Python Development

20 prompt templates

Software Quality Assurance

16 prompt templates

Systems Analysis

19 prompt templates

UX Design

18 prompt templates

Version Control

17 prompt templates

Website Design

15 prompt templates