18 ChatGPT Prompts for UX Design

Carefully crafted 18 ChatGPT prompts to power up your UX Design tasks. Works perfectly with ChatGPT Free, ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT Team accounts.

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Total 18 ChatGPT prompt templates

Write ad copy for a campaign

Create an advertisement targeting a specific audience for a particular product or service.

Draft email subject lines

Suggest five email subject lines for marketing a certain product or service.

Create a call-to-action (CTA)

Develop a call-to-action for a specific campaign goal.

Draft a user survey

Design a brief survey to gather user preferences for a specific product category.

Write a referral program description

Compose a description for a referral program associated with a particular product or service.

Generate user testimonial requests

Prepare a request for user testimonials for a specific product or service.

Draft push notification messages

Propose three push notification messages to engage users of a particular app or website.

Create a welcome message for new users

Draft a welcome message for new users of a specific platform or service.

Draft retargeting ad copy

Create a retargeting advertisement for users who abandoned items in their cart.

Write a loyalty program description

Detail a loyalty program for frequent users of a particular product or service.

Draft a user feedback request

Compose a message to solicit feedback from users of a specific product or service.

Create promotional offers

Propose three promotional offers for a specific product or service to attract new customers.

Write a partnership proposal

Draft a partnership proposal to acquire users for a specific platform or service.

Draft an affiliate program description

Write a description for an affiliate program associated with a specific product or service.

Create a user re-engagement email

Prepare an email to re-engage users who have not interacted with a platform or service in the past m..

Write a product launch announcement

Announce the launch of a new product or service.

Draft a user onboarding guide

Draft a brief onboarding guide for new users of a specific platform or service.

Create a value proposition statement

Compose a value proposition for a product or service targeting a specific audience.