17 ChatGPT Prompts for Landing Page Design

Carefully crafted 17 ChatGPT prompts to power up your Landing Page Design tasks. Works perfectly with ChatGPT Free, ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT Team accounts.

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Total 17 ChatGPT prompt templates

Write a headline for a landing page

Create a captivating headline for a landing page to promote a product or service.

Draft a subheadline

Compose a subheadline that enhances the main headline for a specific product or service.

Create a call-to-action (CTA)

Suggest a call-to-action for a landing page aimed at a particular target audience.

Draft benefit bullet points

List 5 principal advantages of a product or service.

Write a testimonial request

Draft a letter to a customer requesting a testimonial for a product or service.

Describe a product feature

Explain a feature of a product, including its name and specific function.

Draft a FAQ section

Provide three commonly asked questions and their answers concerning a product or service.

Write a trust badge description

Write a brief description for a trust badge emphasizing a specific trust factor.

Create a short product story

Compose a short narrative or scenario showcasing the use of a product or service.

Write a user review

Write a favorable user review for a product or service.

Draft a value proposition

Describe the distinctive value proposition of a product or service.

Create a limited-time offer

Write a limited-time promotional offer for a product or service.

Describe a guarantee

Explain the guarantee that accompanies a product or service.

Draft a short about us section

Compose a brief "About Us" section for a company offering a specific product or service.

Create a special feature highlight

Highlight a special feature of a product or service.

Draft a thank you message for sign-ups

Write a thank you note for users who sign up or purchase a product or service.

Write instructions for a user guide

Draft step-by-step instructions on how to use a particular feature of a product or service.