18 ChatGPT Prompts for Database Administration

Carefully crafted 18 ChatGPT prompts to power up your Database Administration tasks. Works perfectly with ChatGPT Free, ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT Team accounts.

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Total 18 ChatGPT prompt templates

Write SQL queries

Write a basic SQL query to retrieve data from a specified table.

Create database backup instructions

Provide steps to back up a specific type of database.

Generate database normalization suggesti..

Suggest normalization steps for a given table structure.

Draft database maintenance plans

Draft a maintenance plan for a specific type of database.

Write error messages for database issues

Write an error message for a database connection failure in a specified type of database.

Create database user roles and permissio..

List standard user roles and permissions for a specific type of database.

Write stored procedure descriptions

Describe the purpose of a given stored procedure.

Generate database performance reports

Create a report outline for monitoring the performance of a specified type of database.

Draft database security recommendations

Provide security recommendations for a specified type of database.

Write triggers for specific actions

Write a trigger for a specified action in a specified type of database.

Create data validation rules

Suggest validation rules for a specified table column.

Draft database documentation

Provide a template for documenting a specified type of database.

Generate data retrieval instructions

Write instructions for retrieving data using a specified method or tool from a specific type of data..

Write database recovery steps

List steps to recover a specified type of database after a crash.

Create database indexing strategies

Suggest an indexing strategy for a specified table.

Write views for specific data retrieval

Write a view to retrieve specific data details from a specified table.

Draft database update logs

Provide a template for logging updates in a specified type of database.

Generate database audit checklists

Create a checklist for auditing a specified type of database.