32 ChatGPT Prompts for Translator and Improver

Carefully crafted 32 ChatGPT prompts to power up your Translator and Improver tasks. Works perfectly with ChatGPT Free, ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT Team accounts.

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Total 32 ChatGPT prompt templates

Correct grammar mistakes

Correct the grammar in a sentence.

Improve sentence structure

Improve the structure of a sentence.

Suggest synonyms for overused words

Suggest synonyms for a specific word.

Rewrite passive voice to active voice

Convert a passive sentence to active.

Suggest title improvements

Suggest a better title for an article.

Simplify complex sentences

Simplify a complex sentence.

Check for appropriate word usage

Check the correct usage of a word in a sentence.

Eliminate redundant words

Remove redundant words from a sentence.

Ensure correct punctuation

Correct the punctuation in a sentence.

Ensure subject-verb agreement

Ensure subject and verb agreement in a sentence.

Check for consistent tense usage

Ensure consistent tenses are used in a paragraph.

Suggest improvements for clarity

Make a sentence clearer.

Ensure correct use of idioms

Check the correct use of an idiom in a sentence.

Suggest improvements for tone

Suggest a more formal tone for a sentence.

Translate a single sentence

Translate a sentence into a specified language.

Translate a short paragraph

Translate a paragraph into a specified language.

Provide synonyms in another language

Provide synonyms for a word in a specified language.

Translate a list of words

Translate a list of words into a specified language.

Improve translated sentence fluency

Improve the fluency of a translated sentence.

Correct grammar in a translation

Correct the grammar of a translated sentence.

Translate a movie title

Translate a movie title into a specified language.

Translate a book title

Translate a book title into a specified language.

Translate a product name

Translate a product name into a specified language.

Translate a slogan or tagline

Translate a slogan into a specified language.

Improve the naturalness of a translated ..

Enhance the naturalness of translated dialogue.

Translate a poem's line

Translate a line of poetry into a specified language.

Translate a song lyric

Translate song lyrics into a specified language.

Provide a back-translation

Provide a back-translation for a sentence in its original language.

Translate a business term

Translate a business term into a specified language.

Translate a technical term

Translate a technical term into a specified language.

Improve the clarity of a translated inst..

Enhance the clarity of a translated instruction.

Translate a proverb

Translate a proverb into its equivalent in a specified language.