20 ChatGPT Prompts for Web Analytics

Carefully crafted 20 ChatGPT prompts to power up your Web Analytics tasks. Works perfectly with ChatGPT Free, ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT Team accounts.

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Total 20 ChatGPT prompt templates

Write a report introduction

Write an introduction for a web analytics report.

Generate a list of KPIs

Suggest 10 key performance indicators for a website.

Create a summary of website traffic tren..

Summarize the traffic trends based on provided data.

Draft recommendations for bounce rate re..

Provide 5 recommendations to reduce the bounce rate.

Formulate hypotheses for A/B tests

Suggest 3 hypotheses for A/B testing on a specific webpage or feature.

Write a conclusion for a conversion funn..

Draft a conclusion based on the provided conversion funnel data.

Describe user behavior on a specific pag..

Describe the user behavior on a specific webpage based on provided data.

Draft recommendations for improving page..

Provide 5 suggestions to improve the page load time.

Create a summary of referral traffic sou..

Summarize the top referral traffic sources based on provided data.

Draft recommendations for improving mobi..

Provide 5 recommendations to enhance the mobile user experience.

Write a summary of social media traffic

Summarize the social media traffic based on provided data.

Formulate hypotheses for improving user ..

Suggest 3 hypotheses to increase user engagement on a specific webpage or feature.

Draft a summary of organic search traffi..

Summarize the organic search traffic based on provided data.

Create a list of potential website impro..

Suggest 10 potential improvements based on web analytics insights.

Write a summary of top-performing conten..

Summarize the top-performing content based on provided data.

Draft recommendations for improving site..

Provide 5 suggestions to enhance site navigation.

Formulate hypotheses for increasing e-co..

Suggest 3 hypotheses to boost e-commerce conversions on a specific product or category page.

Write a summary of user demographics

Summarize the user demographics based on provided data.

Draft a summary of website goals achieve..

Summarize the achievement of website goals based on provided data.

Create a list of potential website issue..

Suggest 10 potential issues based on web analytics insights.