19 ChatGPT Prompts for Mobile App Marketing

Carefully crafted 19 ChatGPT prompts to power up your Mobile App Marketing tasks. Works perfectly with ChatGPT Free, ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT Team accounts.

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Total 19 ChatGPT prompt templates

Write app store descriptions

Write an app store description for an app.

Generate app taglines

Suggest a catchy tagline for a mobile app.

Draft push notification messages

Draft a push notification message to encourage use of a specific app feature.

Create app feature lists

List the top 5 features of a mobile app designed for a specific target audience.

Draft email campaigns for app updates

Write an email subject line and body for announcing a new app update.

Generate ideas for app promotional conte..

Suggest 5 content ideas to promote an app on social media.

Write app review responses

Draft a response to a user review mentioning a minor bug in an app.

Create app user surveys

Write 3 questions to gather user feedback about a new app feature.

Draft in-app messages

Write a message to inform users about a new app feature.

Write app FAQ entries

Draft an FAQ entry explaining how to use a specific app feature.

Create promotional SMS texts

Draft an SMS text promoting a limited-time discount for an app.

Draft user onboarding content

Write a welcome message for first-time users of an app.

Generate ideas for app-related blog post..

Suggest 5 blog post topics related to the benefits of using an app.

Write app-related social media posts

Draft a social media post announcing the launch of an app.

Create app tutorial scripts

Write a short script for a tutorial video on how to use a specific app feature.

Draft press releases for app launches

Write a press release headline for the launch of an app.

Generate ideas for app user engagement

Suggest 3 content ideas to engage app users during the holiday season.

Write app award submissions

Draft a submission for an app to be considered for a "Best Mobile App" award.

Create content for app landing pages

Write a headline and subheadline for a landing page promoting an app.