19 ChatGPT Prompts for Display Advertising

Carefully crafted 19 ChatGPT prompts to power up your Display Advertising tasks. Works perfectly with ChatGPT Free, ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT Team accounts.

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Total 19 ChatGPT prompt templates

Write ad headlines

Write a compelling headline for a display ad promoting your product or service.

Create ad copy

Create a concise ad copy for your product or service.

Generate call-to-action statements

Suggest a strong call-to-action for a display ad targeting your specified audience.

Draft ad descriptions

Draft a brief description for a display ad about your product or service.

Brainstorm ad slogans

Propose a catchy slogan for your brand or product.

Formulate retargeting ad messages

Craft a retargeting ad message for visitors who viewed your product, service, or webpage.

Write product benefits for ads

List five key benefits of your product or service for a display ad.

Craft promotional offers

Suggest a promotional offer for your product or service to increase click-through rates.

Generate ad ideas for A/B testing

Propose two different ad copy ideas for A/B testing your product or service.

Create copy for video ads

Write a script for a 15-second video ad promoting your product or service.

Draft copy for carousel ads

Write descriptions for a 3-slide carousel ad about your product or service.

Formulate teaser ad messages

Craft a teaser message for an upcoming product launch or event.

Write copy for mobile display ads

Draft a concise ad copy suitable for mobile display for your product or service.

Generate seasonal ad messages

Suggest an ad message for your product or service for the upcoming season or holiday.

Craft ad copy for different demographics

Write an ad copy targeting a specific age group or demographic.

Formulate ad messages for different plat..

Suggest an ad copy suitable for a specific social media platform.

Draft copy for banner ads

Write a compelling banner ad copy for your product or service.

Generate ideas for ad visuals

Suggest visual themes or ideas to complement the ad copy for your product or service.

Write copy for native ads

Craft a native ad message that blends seamlessly with content on a specific platform or website.