20 ChatGPT Prompts for Book and eBook Marketing

Carefully crafted 20 ChatGPT prompts to power up your Book and eBook Marketing tasks. Works perfectly with ChatGPT Free, ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT Team accounts.

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Total 20 ChatGPT prompt templates

Write a book blurb

Write a compelling blurb for a book using the provided title and description.

Create a book pitch

Draft a pitch for a book using the given title to attract potential publishers or agents.

Generate promotional slogans

Suggest five promotional slogans for a book using the specified title.

Draft an author bio

Write a short author bio using the provided name and background details.

Create promotional email subject lines

Suggest ten email subject lines for promoting a book with the given title.

Write a press release headline

Draft a headline for a press release announcing the launch of a book with the specified title.

Draft a press release body

Write a press release for a book using the provided title and brief description.

Generate social media post ideas

Suggest five social media post ideas to promote a book with the specified title.

Create a book review request

Draft a request for book reviews to be sent to bloggers or influencers for a book with the given tit..

Write a book announcement for a website

Write an announcement for the release of a book using the provided title for a website or blog.

Draft back cover copy

Write a back cover copy for a book using the given title and brief description.

Generate promotional event names

Suggest three event names for a book launch or promotional event using the specified title.

Create a Q&A for author interviews

Draft five questions for an author interview about a book with the given title.

Write a book giveaway description

Write a description for a book giveaway using the specified title for social media or a website.

Draft email content for book launch

Write an email announcing the launch of a book using the provided title to subscribers or fans.

Generate keywords for online ads

Suggest ten keywords for online advertising campaigns for a book with the specified title.

Create a book trailer script

Draft a script for a one-minute book trailer using the provided book title.

Write a thank you note for reviewers

Draft a thank you note to someone who reviewed a book with the given title.

Generate taglines for the book

Suggest five taglines for a book using the specified title.

Draft a description for online book list..

Write a description for a book using the provided title suitable for online bookstores or platforms.