20 ChatGPT Prompts for Midjourney

Carefully crafted 20 ChatGPT prompts to power up your Midjourney tasks. Works perfectly with ChatGPT Free, ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT Team accounts.

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Total 20 ChatGPT prompt templates

Generate a prompt idea

Suggest a creative writing prompt based on a chosen theme.

Expand a prompt

Elaborate on a specific writing prompt.

Create a dialogue prompt

Craft a dialogue prompt between two characters discussing a topic.

Write a fantasy prompt

Design a fantasy-themed writing prompt based on a keyword or setting.

Generate a historical prompt

Propose a historical writing prompt set in a particular time period.

Create a sci-fi prompt

Develop a science fiction writing prompt based on a concept or keyword.

Design a romance prompt

Craft a romance-themed writing prompt centered around a scenario or setting.

Generate a horror prompt

Suggest a horror writing prompt using a specific horror element or theme.

Create a mystery prompt

Design a mystery-themed writing prompt involving a clue or setting.

Write a dystopian prompt

Propose a dystopian writing prompt set in a world defined by a particular concept.

Generate a children's story prompt

Craft a children's story writing prompt based on a character or setting.

Create a poetry prompt

Suggest a poetry writing prompt inspired by an emotion or theme.

Design a non-fiction prompt

Develop a non-fiction writing prompt about a specific topic or event.

Generate a flash fiction prompt

Propose a flash fiction writing prompt with a defined theme.

Create a memoir prompt

Craft a memoir writing prompt based on a life event or period.

Generate a travel writing prompt

Design a travel writing prompt set in a destination or based on an experience.

Create a comedy prompt

Suggest a comedic writing prompt involving a character or scenario.

Design a drama prompt

Develop a drama-themed writing prompt centered around a conflict or setting.

Generate a fanfiction prompt

Propose a fanfiction writing prompt for the universe of a specific book, movie, or series.

Create a one-word prompt

Suggest a single word to inspire a writing piece.