14 ChatGPT Prompts for Data Mining

Carefully crafted 14 ChatGPT prompts to power up your Data Mining tasks. Works perfectly with ChatGPT Free, ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT Team accounts.

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Total 14 ChatGPT prompt templates

Write SQL queries for data extraction

Write an SQL query to retrieve specific data from a designated table based on given conditions.

Generate a summary of a dataset

Summarize the key attributes of a particular dataset.

Create a data cleaning script

Write a Python script to eliminate missing values from a specified dataset.

Formulate hypotheses for data analysis

List five hypotheses for data analysis on a chosen topic.

Write data transformation steps

Outline the process to convert data from one format to another specified format.

Generate descriptive statistics

Provide descriptive statistics for a specific data column.

Identify potential data outliers

Propose a technique to detect outliers within a given dataset.

Write a data visualization script

Write a Python script using matplotlib to create visual representations of specified data.

Create a correlation matrix

Generate a correlation matrix for a list of specified variables.

Write a data preprocessing script

Write a Python script to prepare a dataset for machine learning purposes.

Write a data scraping script

Write a Python script using Beautiful Soup to extract data from a specified URL.

Write a data normalization script

Write a Python script to standardize data within a particular dataset.

Write a data validation script

Write a Python script to ensure data integrity for a dataset.

Write a data integration script

Write a Python script to combine data from multiple specified sources.