18 ChatGPT Prompts for Data Engineering

Carefully crafted 18 ChatGPT prompts to power up your Data Engineering tasks. Works perfectly with ChatGPT Free, ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT Team accounts.

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Total 18 ChatGPT prompt templates

Write SQL queries

Write a SQL query to retrieve data from a specified table based on a given condition.

Create data pipeline documentation

Draft a brief description of a data pipeline that transfers data between two systems.

Draft data transformation logic

Provide transformation logic for converting data from one format to another.

Describe data quality checks

List five data quality checks for a dataset with specified attributes.

Draft data ingestion strategies

Suggest a strategy for ingesting data into a specified data platform.

Create data dictionary entries

Write a data dictionary entry for a specified column in a table.

Write data partitioning logic

Provide logic for partitioning data in a table based on specified criteria.

Draft data retention policies

Suggest a data retention policy for a specified type of data.

Describe data lineage

Describe the data lineage for a table beginning from a specified system.

Write data normalization rules

Provide rules for normalizing data in a specified column of a table.

Draft backup and recovery procedures

Outline a backup and recovery procedure for a database under a specified scenario.

Describe data encryption methods

Suggest an encryption method suitable for a specified category of data.

Write data migration steps

List steps for migrating data between two platforms.

Draft error handling procedures

Describe an error handling procedure for data ingestion failures from a specified system.

Create data validation rules

Provide validation rules for data in a specified column of a table.

Write data deduplication logic

Provide logic for deduplicating records in a table based on specified criteria.

Describe data anonymization techniques

Suggest a technique for anonymizing data in a specified column of a table.

Draft data archiving strategies

Suggest a strategy for archiving data from a table after a specified period.