18 ChatGPT Prompts for Website Content Writing

Carefully crafted 18 ChatGPT prompts to power up your Website Content Writing tasks. Works perfectly with ChatGPT Free, ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT Team accounts.

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Total 18 ChatGPT prompt templates

Write a homepage headline

Craft a compelling homepage headline for a website about your chosen niche or topic.

Draft a call-to-action

Write a call-to-action for your specified product or service.

Create a product description

Write a product description for your mentioned product, including key details.

Formulate an 'About Us' page

Write an 'About Us' section for a company with the provided name and background.

Write FAQ questions and answers

Provide a Q&A for common questions regarding your product or service.

Craft a contact page message

Write a welcoming message for the contact page of a specified business type.

Create a services list

List the services offered by a specified business or industry.

Draft a mission statement

Write a mission statement for a company, including its main objective.

Formulate a privacy policy intro

Write an introductory paragraph for the privacy policy of a named website or company.

Draft terms and conditions intro

Write an introductory paragraph for the terms and conditions of a named website or company.

Write event or news updates

Write a brief update about a specified event or news topic for a website.

Craft a newsletter sign-up prompt

Write a persuasive prompt encouraging visitors to sign up for a newsletter about a specified niche o..

Create a blog post intro

Write an engaging introduction for a blog post about a specified topic.

Draft a testimonial request

Write a message requesting testimonials from customers of a specified product or service.

Craft a guarantee statement

Write a guarantee statement for a specified product or service.

Draft a website footer message

Write a brief footer message for a website about a specified niche or topic.

Create a subscription confirmation messa..

Write a confirmation message for users who've subscribed to a specified type of content or service.

Write a 404 error page message

Write a friendly 404 error message for a website about a specified niche or topic.