18 ChatGPT Prompts for Video Scripts

Carefully crafted 18 ChatGPT prompts to power up your Video Scripts tasks. Works perfectly with ChatGPT Free, ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT Team accounts.

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Total 18 ChatGPT prompt templates

Write a video title

Suggest a video title for a specific topic.

Draft a video introduction

Write an introduction for a video on a given topic.

Create a call to action

Craft a call to action for the conclusion of a video on a specific topic.

Formulate video descriptions

Write a description for a video about a particular topic.

Outline a video script

Provide an outline for a video script about a specific topic.

Draft dialogue for characters

Write a dialogue between two characters discussing a chosen topic or scenario.

Write voice-over scripts

Draft a voice-over script for a video on a specific topic.

Generate video tag suggestions

Suggest five tags for a video related to a specific topic.

Create video thumbnail text

Suggest text for a thumbnail of a video with a given title.

Generate teaser lines for trailers

Suggest three teaser lines for a trailer about a specific movie or video.

Draft video testimonials

Write a testimonial for a product or service featured in a video.

Create video quiz questions

Draft three quiz questions based on the content of a video about a specific topic.

Write video annotations

Craft an annotation for a segment of a video about a specific topic or scene.

Draft video tutorial steps

Write step-by-step instructions for a tutorial video on a specific topic.

Draft video ad scripts

Write a 15-second ad script promoting a particular product or service.

Generate video storyboard text

Describe a scene for a storyboard of a video about a given topic.

Write video FAQ sections

Draft three frequently asked questions for a video about a specific product, service, or topic.

Create video poll questions

Suggest a poll question for viewers after watching a video on a specific topic.