26 ChatGPT Prompts for Sales Copywriting

Carefully crafted 26 ChatGPT prompts to power up your Sales Copywriting tasks. Works perfectly with ChatGPT Free, ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT Team accounts.

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Total 26 ChatGPT prompt templates

Craft a product headline

Write a compelling headline for any product.

Create a call to action

Design a call to action for any service or product.

Write product benefits

List 5 key benefits of any product.

Draft an email subject line

Suggest a catchy email subject line for promoting any product or service.

Formulate a product USP

Define the unique selling proposition for any product.

Write a testimonial request

Draft a request for a testimonial from a customer who purchased any product.

Create a product description

Write a concise description for any product.

Draft a guarantee statement

Craft a reassuring guarantee statement for any product or service.

Formulate a scarcity statement

Design a statement emphasizing the limited availability of any product.

Write a post-purchase thank you note

Draft a thank you note for customers who just purchased any product or service.

Create a product FAQ section

Write 3 frequently asked questions and answers about any product.

Draft a product review

Write a positive review for any product.

Formulate a discount offer

Design a compelling discount offer for any product or service.

Create a product tagline

Suggest a memorable tagline for any product.

Write a referral request

Draft a message requesting referrals for any product or service.

Formulate a loyalty program invite

Design an invitation for a loyalty program for any product or service.

Draft a re-engagement email

Write an email to re-engage customers who haven't purchased in a specified time frame.

Create a product feature highlight

Highlight a key feature of any product.

Formulate a cross-sell proposal

Suggest a product or service that complements any product.

Draft an upsell proposition

Propose an upgraded version or premium feature of any product.

Create a product teaser

Write a teaser for an upcoming product.

Write a flash sale announcement

Draft an announcement for a flash sale of any product or service.

Formulate a pre-order incentive

Design an incentive for customers to pre-order any product.

Draft a product launch email

Write an email announcing the launch of any product.

Write a seasonal promotion

Draft a promotional message for any product or service for a specific season or holiday.

Formulate a bundle offer

Design a bundle offer combining two products.