20 ChatGPT Prompts for Landing Pages

Carefully crafted 20 ChatGPT prompts to power up your Landing Pages tasks. Works perfectly with ChatGPT Free, ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT Team accounts.

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Total 20 ChatGPT prompt templates

Write a headline for a landing page

Craft a compelling headline for a landing page promoting your product or service.

Create a subheadline

Write a subheadline that complements the main headline for your product or service.

Draft a call-to-action (CTA)

Suggest a call to action for a landing page about your product or service.

Write a value proposition

Describe the main value proposition for your product or service.

List product features

List five key features of your product.

Detail product benefits

Describe three main benefits of using your product.

Craft a testimonial request

Write a request to a customer asking for a testimonial about your product or service.

Write a FAQ section

Draft three frequently asked questions and answers for your product or service.

Create urgency statements

Suggest a statement that creates urgency for your product or service.

Draft a guarantee statement

Write a guarantee statement for your product or service.

Describe a promotional offer

Detail a limited-time offer for your product or service.

Craft a trust-building statement

Write a statement that builds trust for your product or service.

Describe product usage

Write a brief description of how to use your product.

Write a user testimonial

Draft a testimonial from a satisfied user of your product or service.

Detail payment options

List three payment options available for your product or service.

Describe shipping and delivery

Write about the shipping and delivery process for your product or service.

Craft a return policy statement

Describe the return policy for your product or service.

Write a short company bio

Draft a brief company background for your company.

Describe bonus offers

Detail any bonus offers available with your product or service.

Draft a privacy statement

Write a privacy assurance statement for your product or service.