12 ChatGPT Prompts for Business Consulting

Carefully crafted 12 ChatGPT prompts to power up your Business Consulting tasks. Works perfectly with ChatGPT Free, ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT Team accounts.

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Total 12 ChatGPT prompt templates

Write a business mission statement

Write a mission statement for a company in the industry of your choice.

Identify key performance indicators

Suggest five key performance indicators for your type of business.

Draft a SWOT analysis

Provide a SWOT analysis for a company in your chosen industry.

Create a business objective

Draft a business objective aimed at increasing sales in your specified sector.

Formulate a business strategy recommenda..

Recommend a strategy for a company facing a specific challenge.

Draft a value proposition

Write a value proposition for a product similar to the one you described.

Identify potential market segments

List five potential market segments for a company selling your specified product or service.

Draft a competitive analysis

Provide a competitive analysis for the market of your specified product or service.

Create a customer persona

Describe a customer persona for a company selling your specified product or service.

Formulate a pricing strategy

Suggest a pricing strategy for a product similar to the one you described.

Create a product positioning statement

Draft a positioning statement for a product similar to the one you described.

Write a business process improvement rec..

Recommend a process improvement for a specific business process within a company.