48 ChatGPT Prompts for Risk Management

Carefully crafted 48 ChatGPT prompts to power up your Risk Management tasks. Works perfectly with ChatGPT Free, ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT Team accounts.

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Total 48 ChatGPT prompt templates

Write a risk assessment summary

Draft a risk assessment summary for any financial product or asset.

Identify potential financial risks

List 5 potential risks associated with any financial scenario or product.

Create a risk mitigation strategy

Suggest a risk mitigation strategy for a specific identified risk.

Draft a risk report introduction

Write an introduction for a risk report on any financial topic or asset.

Formulate risk-related questions

Provide 5 questions to assess the risk of any financial product or scenario.

Generate risk scenarios

Describe a potential risk scenario for any financial situation or asset.

Write a conclusion for a risk report

Draft a conclusion summarizing the risks of any financial topic or asset.

Draft a risk communication to stakeholde..

Write a communication to stakeholders about the risk of any financial situation or decision.

Identify risk factors for investments

List 5 risk factors for investing in any investment type.

Create a summary of risk metrics

Summarize the key risk metrics for any financial scenario or product.

Draft a risk disclaimer

Write a risk disclaimer for any financial product or service.

Formulate risk return statements

Draft a statement on the risk-return profile of any investment or asset.

Generate risk-adjusted return scenarios

Describe a scenario for risk-adjusted return on any investment or asset.

Write a risk model explanation

Explain the risk model used for assessing any financial scenario or product.

Draft a risk management policy

Write a basic risk management policy for any company or department.

Identify market risk factors

List 5 market risk factors for any market or sector.

Create a risk appetite statement

Draft a risk appetite statement for any organization or department.

Evaluate operational risks

Evaluate the operational risks of any business process or operation.

Write an executive summary for a company

Draft an executive summary for a specific company.

Analyze financial ratios

Provide a brief analysis of selected financial ratios.

Draft an investment thesis

Write an investment thesis for a particular company or sector.

Create a SWOT analysis

Provide a SWOT analysis for a specific company.

Draft a company profile

Write a brief company profile for a particular company.

Write a market overview

Provide a market overview for a certain industry or sector.

Draft a risk analysis

Write a risk analysis for investing in a specific company or sector.

Create a valuation summary

Draft a valuation summary based on selected metrics.

Draft an industry trend analysis

Write an analysis on the current trends in a specific industry.

Draft a deal rationale

Draft a deal rationale for the acquisition of one company by another.

Write a due diligence checklist

Draft a due diligence checklist for acquiring a company in a certain industry.

Create a return on investment analysis

Provide an ROI analysis for a specific investment or deal.

Draft a post-acquisition integration pla..

Write a brief integration plan for after the acquisition of a particular company.

Write a recommendation for a deal

Draft a recommendation for proceeding with the acquisition of a specific company.

Draft a capital structure analysis

Write an analysis of the capital structure for a particular company.

Write risk assessment reports

Draft a risk assessment report for your specific risk scenario.

Identify potential risks

List 5 potential risks associated with your project or scenario.

Create risk mitigation strategies

Suggest a risk mitigation strategy for your specific risk.

Draft risk communication messages

Write a communication message to inform stakeholders about your specific risk.

Formulate risk response plans

Develop a risk response plan for your risk scenario.

Evaluate risk impact

Describe the potential impact of your specific risk on your business or project.

Prioritize risks

Prioritize the risks based on their severity.

Draft risk management procedures

Write a procedure for managing your specific risk type.

Identify risk trends

Identify potential risk trends in your industry or sector.

Create risk registers

Draft a risk register entry for your specific risk details.

Write risk management training materials

Create a training module introduction on risk management for your target audience.

Draft risk incident reports

Write an incident report for your specific risk incident details.

Evaluate risk control measures

Assess the effectiveness of these risk control measures.

Create risk awareness campaigns

Draft a message for a risk awareness campaign targeting your specific audience or risk.

Identify risk dependencies

List potential dependencies for the risk of your specific risk.