19 ChatGPT Prompts for Financial Planning

Carefully crafted 19 ChatGPT prompts to power up your Financial Planning tasks. Works perfectly with ChatGPT Free, ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT Team accounts.

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Total 19 ChatGPT prompt templates

Draft a financial goal statement

Draft a financial goal statement for someone aiming to achieve a specific financial objective.

Create a budget breakdown

Provide a basic budget breakdown for an individual earning a certain annual income.

Write investment strategy summaries

Summarize an investment strategy for an individual in a specific age group.

Draft retirement planning advice

Give retirement planning advice for someone of a certain age.

Formulate debt reduction plans

Suggest a debt reduction plan for someone with a specific total debt amount.

Write savings plan suggestions

Propose a savings plan for someone wanting to save a specific amount within a certain number of year..

Draft insurance recommendations

Recommend types of insurance for an individual with particular life circumstances.

Create tax-saving tips

Provide tax-saving tips for someone in a specific profession.

Write estate planning advice

Offer basic estate planning advice for someone with a particular net worth.

Draft college savings plans

Suggest a college savings plan for parents with a certain number of children.

Formulate emergency fund advice

Advise on building an emergency fund for a family of a specific size.

Draft loan repayment strategies

Propose a loan repayment strategy for someone with a certain type of loan and loan amount.

Create financial milestone timelines

Create a financial milestone timeline for someone of a certain age aiming to retire by a specific ag..

Write charitable giving advice

Offer advice on charitable giving for someone wanting to donate a specific amount annually.

Draft advice on diversifying investments

Give advice on diversifying investments for someone with a specific investment amount.

Formulate tips on reducing expenses

Provide tips to reduce monthly expenses for a family with certain monthly expenses.

Write advice on real estate investments

Offer advice on real estate investments for someone looking to invest a specific amount.

Draft financial checklists for life even..

Create a financial checklist for someone going through a particular life event.

Formulate financial health assessments

Assess the financial health of an individual with a certain net worth.