15 ChatGPT Prompts for Financial Analysis

Carefully crafted 15 ChatGPT prompts to power up your Financial Analysis tasks. Works perfectly with ChatGPT Free, ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT Team accounts.

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Total 15 ChatGPT prompt templates

Write financial report summaries

Summarize a financial report for your chosen details.

Draft a financial forecast

Provide a basic financial forecast for your specified company or industry for the next year.

Analyze financial ratios

Analyze the financial ratios for your provided company's financial data.

Create a budget outline

Draft a budget outline for your stated project or department.

Compare investment options

Compare the listed investment options you provided.

Draft a risk assessment

Write a risk assessment for your specified investment or project.

Evaluate stock performance

Evaluate the stock performance of your named company over the past year.

Analyze market trends

Analyze the market trends for your specified industry or sector.

Compare financial benchmarks

Compare the financial benchmarks of your company to its competitors.

Analyze cost structures

Analyze the cost structure of your described product or service.

Evaluate return on investment (ROI)

Calculate the ROI for your detailed investment or project.

Write an equity research report

Draft an equity research report for your specified company or stock.

Analyze debt structures

Analyze the debt structure of your provided company's financial data.

Evaluate financial derivatives

Evaluate the potential outcomes of your specified financial derivative.

Draft a dividend analysis

Write a dividend analysis for your named company.