How to use this prompt?

To use this prompt with the Promptmatic, free Google Chrome extension for ChatGPT follow this three-step guide:

Install Promptmatic: If you haven't already then begin by installing the Promptmatic extension from the Chrome Web Store. It's completely free.

Open prompt library: Once you have installed our Google Chrome extension, open the prompt library tab. You have access to all our 2900 ready-to-use prompt templates including this one.

Find and use this prompt in ChatGPT: Simply use our search box to locate this prompt and click on the "Use this template" button. Replace the variables and click the "Use this prompt" button. It's that simple 🙂 For detail tutorial 👉 Click here.

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List design resources or references

List five top resources for specific design needs such as stock photos or design..

List font pairings

Recommend font pairings for a design that is modern, classic, or playful.

Draft a logo design concept descripti..

Describe a logo concept for a company with a given name that sells specified pro..

Suggest design-related books or cours..

Recommend three books or courses for learning about topics like color theory or ..

Describe a mood board

Describe a mood board for a themed event such as a winter wedding or tech startu..

Generate design-related blog post tit..

Suggest ten blog post titles related to a design topic such as typography or UX ..